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Saava, 39 y.o.
Masaka, Uganda [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 3 of 3.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2012
Hi, how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 6, 2012
I am supposed to talk about myself and that might put me at risk of sounding boastful but do kindly bear with me, will you?
I am intelligent,generous,kind, charismatic,energetic, spontaneous and people are never bored around me. On the other hand, I am too open, careless, sometimes loud and stubborn. I am usually accused of giving a provocative impression when infact I'm not and also accused of starting my sentences with "I am".
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2012
Wic qualities
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