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Sammy, 30 y.o.
New Hope, United States [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 3 of 3.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 25, 2009
Heey! I love my name too! Lol, thanks for all the wonderfully fabulous compliments!! Poor violas...*sniff* Amy Lee IS stunning and amazing in everything she does!! Have you seen the Lithium and Good Enough music videos??? Edward Cullen's perspective must wait...I have to hold it in my hands...I mean this is EDWARD we're talking about! I might just have to read those books, what are they about?? What's your favorite color??? (Natalia, my friend, always asks this so I just might have to copy here, lol)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 20, 2009
It's okay. I've been pretty busy with finals and such. Lol, serious ballet, I hear you! I'm having a final in ballet and I am freaking out!! I love all those dances...don't think I've done salsa before. At least not a class...then again I don't have a partner... O well... The only guy I want to be my partner is overseas...curse long distance airfare. =] Anyway do you have finals?? How long have you been dancing?? HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU READ TWILIGHT???? Lol, just curious. =]
Reply - Conversation - Jan 9, 2009
Yay!! I love being the first to post on people's wall! I love sooooo many of those books!! And movies!! You are a classical music freak too?? Lol, just kidding! Anyway, send me a message sometime! Oh and you love to dance?? What type(s)?
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