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Vedat Düzkan, 36 y.o.
Tokyo, Japan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 2056.
inactive user
I just got a message like this from a guy in uk (i think hes not real) loooool creepy stuff hah

"hi there my name is Chris. I really understand this will sound weird, but I am just being honest. If I p aid you every week can I please be your slave? I will do anyting you want. I don't have a picture here but I can supply pics a plenty if I were to be your slave :)"

I wonder why slave want to pay for me !xD i told him im not goin to flirt then he said hes not flirting he really wants to be my slave .. lol
inactive user
I dont care if people flirt with me i dont flirt with them though. it just was funny because they left me when i speak english lol
i usually dont go to shibuya and roppongi i like Kichijoji they have goood good bars,restraints and stuff i know shibuya or others have nice places but kichijoji is the best for me !

ahh okke but isnt it hard to talk in japanesei feel like that sometimes im japanese ... ときどき日本語は何か、、くどい?気がする(;´_ゝ`)
haha theres one of my fav 水タバコbar in kichijoji i like smoking iuusually dont smoke and i dont buy cigarette but smoking sometimes is good
inactive user
hello my names yurika whats your major?or just studying japanese? nice to meet you :)
inactive user
dont worry i know many foreigners .. people really .and guys i met 2days didnt make me feel bad it was fun to see them being drunk lol
Haha  that happened 2days go..  i was walking around very late night some foreigners started following me saying"lets follow the hot japanese girl "(im not hot just was wearing shorts)and one of them talked to me like "heyyy how are you its cold its cold you should wear wa blablablablabla.. i forget what he was saying ..and i answered him yea i know Get me a pant then them they left me xD
they thought i dont understand what they are talkin about and expected that i will say like "nonono i cant speak english sorry sorry"like other japaneses do   .. so they left me once they notice i understand english lol 
inactive user
Sorry if my states made you feel bad??yea i know it i just was kidding foreigners i saw 2days ago !
inactive user
Yeah I like new devil may cry.But I like old capcom games.
Ok I will try to check up on that.

haha That's right.but I like muscular man.He is perfect.

Oh I wanna go to arcade with you.That looks very fun!!

Well..Holland.Because my great friend is dutchman.He is really great person.maybe I'll go to his country.
inactive user
Dragon's dogma,Resident evil,Demon's souls,The last of us,Metal gear,Devil may cry..etc
I think so too.But I like 5.Because i like chris haha

Yeah I'm interested in foreign cultures.
I'd like to deeply know pop culture, traditional culture and historical culture.
Oh really?It is an act of folly

Oh great!!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9, 2014
Hi Vedat!
I'm kei,glad to became friends with you.
Would I talk with you by message?

I'm interested in native life of people not only america but also around the world :D
I'd like to visit Thai land to watch Temples.Where do you want to travel next?

>without the main heroes
I agree it!I'd like to know which part of hero stories are interested.

>Rurouni Kenshin
I've already watch it,I think it's the movie that japanese can be proud of :)

Doesn't that "men" make you sticky?
I have 2nd dan of naginata, do you know it?It's kind of Japanese Budo.
inactive user
That's good.I have PS3,PS vita,PSP,3DS:)

Wow I like resident Evil.That sounds like a lot of fun!!

My major is pychology.I playing Dragon's Dogma.I like movies,music,travelling,anime,games,manga
inactive user
Oh I don't know much about pc games.

Wow Tokyo game shows!!!Amazing XD
I wanted to go to there.But I was busy...

Feel free to ask me if you have any queries:)
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