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Casey, 33 y.o.
Cape Town, South Africa [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 15, 2014
Hey! Happy Belated Birthday:)
inactive user
hello my friend iwould like to correspond with u as ur pal friend by exchanges email and snailhope to hear from u and uare most welcome tou
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2014
You were in japan this april??
inactive user
I've seen snow it snow in every month of the year. And we've had our share of 100 car pile ups.

Depends on if the wolves have been bred as pets. You can own part wolves, or bred wolves. You can't just walk out and Pokemon the nearest wolf.
inactive user
High coastline, lots of fog, rain, clouds and snow. (2m of snow every winter) You will not find nicer people on the planet though.
inactive user
Probably not haha, I recommend coming in the summer.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2012
Hello!!! Im studying in South Africa! :D
inactive user
Hi there!

Thanks for answering back :)...

Well right now I'm working at a call center during the day and at night I attend university, I'm studying Business administration. It will be my second major cause I studied Hotel Management before leaving to S. Korea.

No place like home! it was a nice experience cause I'm in love with Asia but cold weather is not for me :p, I prefer my lovely summers and rainy days (I don't like rain that much when I have to wake up early to go to work :p)

wow so you are studying Chemical Engineering! that's nice, it is not that popular in Panamá :/ what a shame....

well actually I have some questions :p, I will like to know a bit about your hometown, what is famous there, what do you like during your free time? you attend university near home or did you move to another city?

hahaha thanks! this profile took me 2 days! but I was free during those months so it was something nice to do, maybe I will update it soon :)

My favorite song of all time? well that is a hard question, but I will say Nightingale by Yanni (Do you know Yanni?), it is an instrumental song that he made for his performance in the Forbidden City, China.

What about yours? what kind of music are you listening lately?...I will advise you New Age :)

oh and don't worry about the late, I totally understand cause I had my finals last week :S...Best wishes with the tests, let me know how it goes :)

inactive user
Hi there! my name is Gabriela and I'm from Panamá :)...I have some time on Interpals but I don't have penpals from South Africa, so when I was searching I saw your profile and I decided to stop by and say Hi:)....Hope you are doing great!

Best Wishes and greetings from Panamá
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2012
Hi, thanks for your message.
Good luck for your upcoming tests! I have my final exams in October. After that, I will be finished with university! I feel so nervous...mostly because I don't have a job yet.

Do you like this site so far? I like meeting nice people but there are some rude people on this site, too.
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