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Russell , 59 y.o.


Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 63.
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2023
I am a 57-year-old male, married, kids are grown, grandchildren are sprouting, 3 so far, and I was on Interpals years ago then fell off the grid because I did not have the time to chat as I did when I started. I originally came looking for friends in Russia as I studied Russian history and the middle east in high school and was curious to talk with people from that region. My teacher was from Russia, I will never forget the course, or the teacher, however, what I learned is that a lot of what I was taught and "steered to believe" was untrue. I was raised and educated during times we called the "cold war era", where America was "at odds" with the USSR, which is no longer of course, for better or worse I am not sure. I live in Florida, I have traveled, unfortunately not across the pond, mostly the Caribbean, Canada and Mexico. My two step daughters have had the pleasure of educating and traveling since all over Europe, from Holland to Spain, Italy and a lot of places my wife and I would love to see, however, raising 5 children between us was financially stressful and we are now facing some health and financial issues that make that impossible for now. At our age, we hope to accomplish that goal, to travel overseas, in the next 6 or 7 years depending on my wifes health and our financial abilities to do so. We both work from home, my wife is a nurse, 30 years in hospitals, now working for an insurance company from home, and I am in accounting/sales. We both enjoy what we do, and I would enjoy getting to know people from around the globe again and hearing insights from others in places I have yet to see and enjoy. Hope to hear back from you. Russell Pierpont
Reply - Conversation - Sep 14, 2021
The monotony of my life, having spent almost 18 months enduring covid, the slow small businesses, the loss of so many small businesses, the mass of people that are now working from home and will probably be working from home is unbelievable. I have worked from home on and off over my adult life, I spent the last 6 years working from home however, it's my own company, so I have some leeway, but what I don't have is anything to do. I am bored and restless. I have a large number of free nights at the Hardrock Hotel south of my in Hollywood, FL. I think I am going to do just that, go and have some fun. Get off the PC, give the eyes a break, play a little Texas Holdem. I win more than I lose most of the time. I had a lot of Russian and English friends years back when I used to be active herein Interpals. Since I intend to stay active it would be nice to meet some people, guys, and gals welcome.
inactive user
Thanks for that :
“Be who you are, and say what you want; because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
I should borriw it and use it for MY motto actually!
inactive user
Hello There,

I saw that u checked out my profile, so I thought I would check out yours.... very nice, and I hope you r having a wonderful day!!

Reply - Conversation - Dec 16, 2009
Thank you for sending a message tome.
I like to watch photos of kids and animal, and nature.
All of your photos are very nice.
Though my English skill is not good.
I am going to send a message since now.
Thank you

Reply - Conversation - Dec 10, 2009
Hi Russell, regards to you from Germany, if you like pls. drop me a line.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2009
Wonky mood swing day, lol. Plus I found the wig in the basement. I just felt like taking a picture.
inactive user
Hi I have just joined.
I am 43,and am not looking for a boy friend/husband either.
just a penpal.
I live in london.
I hope you would like to be my penpal.
hope to hear from you soon.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2009
hi there. how are you doing ? hope ur all good :o)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 13, 2009
Hello from Poland Russell!
Have a nice weekend!
You have a very nice son!
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