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Douglas, 34 y.o.
Uppsala, Sweden [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 582.
inactive user
Of course I'm alive *****.. I just had to fake my death to evade taxes properly
inactive user
So.. what did you do there?
I remember you traveled a lot, didn't you?
inactive user
I wish I had, or I wish I can always maintain teach-ship like that cause I kinda suck. How long were you in LA? *envy* *envy*
inactive user
Bonsoir, je suis deja arrive chez moi :D
That bugs have been here for long time anyway. But it's already okay now in my profile.
Now you're still in Sweden?
inactive user
When you were away? A lot! hahaha
My French went so-so. There were times I thought I was good at it, but now that confidence degraded.
You sure? Now it has some errors, something we didn't see back then. What's new with you?
inactive user
Well, I'm attending uni in England and I already applied to that uni last September so haha Brexit didn't stop me from coming and studying there :)
inactive user
Hi! I've been good. Many things happened while you were away xD
So now you decide to come back on interpals? How have you been?
inactive user
Hey! Thanks for your message. Well, that's kinda true. I've moved to England only 4 months ago so it's not been that long. The city I live in is quite safe, so I didn't face any unpleasant situations. But in other cities there have been some accidents...
Reply - Conversation - Oct 27, 2016
ha ha
inactive user
Joho! :P
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