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RezaSaputra, 36 y.o.
Bekasi, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 58.
inactive user
happy birthday reza~
inactive user
oh thank you so much^^ i don't use plastic surgery because i think i am the way i am for a reason^^
inactive user
hmm...yes some..but me no!
inactive user
Yeah. I think too.

But I don't know well how to add friend.;;
I started but now. ^^
inactive user
I like them,too. I listen to their music sometimes.:D

Oh, I haven't mean kk. Just...haha;;

I have facebook. Do you use facebook more than it?:)
inactive user
oh yeah, when you said that my hair color is purple blue, I just noticed now. haha!

actually, my hair color is brownish black with little bit of auburn :)
inactive user
Hi, how are you?
inactive user
Sorry for the late reply, been busy with University.
I've been good thanks, how have you been?

Haha I'm sure you'll get the opportunity to travel to London to see Manchester City play :)

Yes I have Facebook, message me your profile link I'll add you :)
inactive user
haha~~ --> photoshop XD
Reply - Conversation - Nov 15, 2011
i have accept your account in yahoo...
and will add you in FB
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