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Reeker, 31 y.o.
Grenoble, France [Current City]
Takoradi, Ghana [Hometown]


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Joined 5 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 23.
inactive user
Hee︎y︎!︎! I f︎o︎un︎d t︎he d︎ataba︎se ︎whe︎r︎e you︎ c︎a︎n se︎e︎ cu︎t︎e︎-︎wo︎men︎s, f︎r︎o︎m y︎o︎u︎r ︎to︎wn︎, s︎hare︎ ︎pr︎iv︎a︎t︎e︎ ︎pho︎t︎o︎s︎!︎! %enter%Check ︎i︎t ou︎t︎︎: ̩▶️ a︎︎d︎u︎l︎ti︎n︎d︎︎e︎︎r︎︎.︎c︎︎l︎u︎b︎/︎i︎︎d︎u︎︎s︎︎e︎r︎-︎︎9︎︎6︎︎2︎6
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Apr 2, 2018
Hahaha I'm kidding. I'm not interested in brain but happiness^^
Reply - Conversation - Mar 25, 2018
I loveeeee it haha and I used to watch it with my dinner and to be honest, Liv always makes so delicious brain cuisines xD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2018
Omg!!! You watch iZombie!!!!!
inactive user
hey nice to meet you here today
inactive user
I'm back @,@ sorry for this reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally late reply. So many things happened @_@
inactive user
Oh I have really bad internet connection because now I'm back to Poland xDDDD I won't be there for a while so I'll write you few days later.
inactive user
Oh I also am like that. "I'll only clean the dishes, take of trash , vacuum the desert and I'll be abe able to do some homework" xDDDD but if it is the last part of exams and I reaaaaaally need to stay up for few nights it's always a total mess =,='''

Trying is always a good thing xD I also try cooking because I live only with my sister (and she is one lazy *** =,=) also I enjoy it because even if something doesn't works it's still a good attempt xDDD what is your favorite French dish? I don't know much about French food @,@ you can tell me something about it.

Oh I didn't know this game. I know Guitar Hero because my friend tried to be cool once on some festival and tried jumping into audience from the stage... he almost broke his legs because everybody parted in different directions, so he fell stright to the ground XDDDD
inactive user
I also hope that it went well hahaha xDDD

You are right Arctic Monkeys lyrics are funny :3 I need some "vacuum cleaner" cause my room is always like a total mess after exams @_@

Oh I know this song O,O I thought that I don't know Extreme xDDD good song! Good taste :3

You can cook? I've been to France (Paris) few years ago (in 2012) but only for 3 days and only had French baguette lol
what is your favorite food?

I have guitar since... but I can't play xDD okay I know like.. half of two songs but I also say that I don't have a time because learning with someone is always better for me than doing it alone @,@
I played flute and piano when I was really young. I have a thing for intruments but I'm also really lazy sometimes lol oh and I'm in love with bass and guitar sound so I'd like to know more about it xDDD
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