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小雷 (Leif), 31 y.o.
Jackson, United States [Current City & Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Bachelor's degree
Quest University Canada


Airline Customer Service

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 379.
inactive user
Ohhh ..... the last time, what with me just did not happen))))
A lot of stories)
And how are you??
I see you teach Russian) and how are your successes??
I like to teach him?
inactive user
Hey! Today is your birthday!
Congratulations to you) I wish you luck! Many many happy)))
I hope you spend the perfect day!))))

I'm sorry for my english ^ ^
inactive user
Hey, Leif, today is your birthday! Happy Birthday^^生日快乐!
inactive user
:P i made the same mistake like you before,haha., a little ashamed.
have fun in class. now, i have to go to sleep:D
see you next time on skype:D, by for now
inactive user
i am happy to hear from you again:D i added you on skype, please comfirm:D have a good day ! keep in touch:D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7, 2012
Won't it be selfish from my side to say, that I'm really proud of Russian writers? And I'm absolutely happy to hear, that someone in foreign country find them exciting, too.
To be honest, I don't really love my city, because I've spent my childhood not here. But I love my country's history. And, you're right, Kazan plays an important role in it. So it hurts me, when I see the changes, happening with this city. Our government cares nor about saving Russian historical heritage, nor about saving Tatar historical heritage.

Hey, we were born on the same day.
inactive user
ok, good night:D it's 2:30PM in China... oh, i don't like time difference:( i have a skype, i can add you. i seldom ues qq although i am Chinese.haha, wan an(晚安) ^^
inactive user
yuan fen means we run into each other, but we have a lot of things in common. we also called it "一见如故" (yi jian ru gu), means feel like old friends at the first meeting :D
about my study...oh, i am struggle with my math now. it's too hard to understand. but i will try my best to deal with them.
i am fond of traveling, ya, umm... i even don't know why. i want to meet new people, learn some new things to rich my experiences:D
i am appreciate it you are willing to help me, i want to talk to English native speakers to improve my oral English. in addition, we can share our stories with each other:D
inactive user
haha, xie xie ni :D you are really kind, have you ever been China?
inactive user
wow, you are awesome. have mastered many languages, good at playing all kinds of musical intruments. and, you are really warm-hearted and friendly:D nice to meet you here, i am Amy, and, i am from China. ya, i want to improve my English, but i will not regard people as my language-learning tool. i am looking for a long friendship:D
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