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Paulina, 46 y.o.
Los Angeles, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 231.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2012
Oh sorry about the late LATE response haha. I'm all right, still in Queens and yes, enjoying NYC and all the interesting, crazy things about this city. Thank you and a very much belated Happy Year of the Dragon to you too! :-)
inactive user
Hi Paulina!

Nice to hear from you again here ;)
Hmm... I have been a bit pissed off by people in general, you know, people lose the interest so quick! Amazing.

But I'm back now, cause loneliness got stronger than disappointment. :D

Hope you have more luck... And that all goes good over there.

Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2011
Hey Paulina,
I really enjoyed reading your profile. I think that we have a lot in common in regards to what we are looking for in pen pals. It's nice to see other people who are genuinely interested in a friendship based on long letters, and putting the effort in to make they colorful for the other person :) Just thought I'd say 'hey!'. If you're still interested in pen pals, I'm looking for a few great ladies here in the USA

inactive user
Vous avez un profil de VIP!!!En fait je ne sais pas quoi dire.Tout ceci me semble tres interessant.

Take care
inactive user
Really interesting life. and roots as well...
Still remember Russian?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2011
oh, the new hobby is bellydancing. Though I have not been doing it for a months or so now.I hope to be back in the coming weeks. also there are my usual personal projects - getting healthy etc.
I transalted a non-fiction book...I think it was about some insects which were dangerous for grapes ... but I am not sure anymore.
Probably fiction would be more interesting...though I have never tired that one. Do you plan to do any more translating after this experience?
inactive user
ofcourse i wouldnt give up on you! Life here is ok,altough we have had very bad news about my mum's more treatments, so we are enjoying all the moments we still have. Our little Boris isn't little anymore and grows like crazy.1year old already, talks my head off, tries to walk around and all on. Still working for tv, have been nominated for the Emmys, how cool is that???? Really looking forward to our news.Missed you!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 28, 2011
Bollywood dance ! Are you on Facebook, Paulina ? I'll be be posting videos of the stage show that we had on 15th of this month :)
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jan 27, 2011
Wow ! Did not know you too were interested in sketching :) You must upload them here.I've one sketch nearing completion.Will try to post it here.Its been long since I did serious drawing.Have been busy with my dance lately.Sometimes its best to have only one hobby :)

I have completed reading most of his books,just one more left. I would like to buy his self hypnosis CDs,next.
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