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Sarah, 33 y.o.
Cork, Ireland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 42.
inactive user
i'm doing nursing too! :)
i don't start till March, I've been so bored just sitting around home doing nothing :(
do you enjoy studying nursing?
inactive user
i remember you :)
how are you? its been a while
inactive user
Hey, im Denise, Decided to write u a comment cause ur from Ireland and so am i haha, Wads thee craic? where abouts yah from? xxx
inactive user
Hey, Sarah... Muito legal (very cool)! So your namorado (boyfriend) is from Brasil. Eu adoraria te ajudar com o português (I would love to help you with Portuguese). And maybe you could help me with English? :)
já veio para o Brasil? (have you ever come to Brasil?)

até mais (see you)!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2010
Hey Saz :)
Nice to hear from you! How are you doing? How do you like this site till this far? :)
Hope to hear back from you :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 29, 2007
3 weeks last login i miss boooooooo :D
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2007
sazieboo.!!! i miss youu.
mamacitaaa i havent been on in along timee. [:

but anyhoo.

yeh i find it special about me.

and dont care if people hate me fo\' that.

and well sex change men.

haha i only seen one in my whole life.!!!

and then gay men.

lots of themm.

i saw two at the mall holdong hands.

they were hawt.!!

oh and did i mention i alsoo saw SHAQUEALLE O\'NEALL.

at the galleria mall friday july 20, 2007 .??
and then i met my teachers last week for 6th grade.

my reading teacher is gay.

quite interesting.!

you could even tell.

he said he is in lovee with davey havok...
and that he was hawt.

and he said he liked the marilyn monrow shirt on me.!

Reply - Conversation - Jul 21, 2007
Last login: 2 weeks ago ? is everything ok?
inactive user
hi, i just wanted to say hi, how are you? so.. guess that\'s all, bye
inactive user
it hurt so bad! but its cool because it hurt for 5 seconds, then it was fine. didnt even get infected. i wanna get my ears pierced heaps more and maybe my lip. the only thing stopping me from getting a tonguering is that more often than not it gets badly infected and the infected skin grows over the ring and u cant get it out, so you have to get ur tongue cut open. yukky!
lol i put a ring in my nose n people called me emo. im the **** is that emo? lol.
rach xx.
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