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Phil, 30 y.o.
Montréal, Canada [Current City]

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Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 15.
inactive user
hi, you are interesting person and Could you teach me some French? I would like us to share some culture or Spanish. write me
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2016
Dear PhilK. After reviewing your profile, I realized that you are an interesting person. I think we could be good friends. Please write me.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 20, 2015
thxx :) Good day to you:))
inactive user
Yeah, kinda oregairu reminds my school life. which was my middle and highschool memories. :)
inactive user
Haha! not yet, but I have to start the scans
inactive user
Ahah, pareil musique ça aide énormément!
Merci merci :)
inactive user
It sure did..! (;_;)
Haha, I'm going through the withdrawal phase. I ended up just reading parts of it again. I have volumes 25 & 26 so I just picked up from there. xD Ah, I also have the character's bible (fanbook, basically) so I've been going through that too, hahahaha.
inactive user
Good luck on the feels train when you do watch it. (T_T)
I'm not sure! I don't think there will be, unless they decide to make an anime of the spin off manga that's going on right now, although it only comes out every 2 months so it'll be a loooong time before that happens. I just know for sure that there's gonna be an OVA this fall. :)
inactive user
Haha, I'm guessing you watched the entire thing?? I straight up BAWLED watching the last episode, HAHA. Can't wait for the OVA! ( ´▽`)
inactive user

Haha, also, I have a friend that goes to McGill. :D
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