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Alisa, 31 y.o.
Oulu, Finland [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 17 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 142.
inactive user
hi,! how are you!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 1, 2007
Ahaah me too i\'m busy niééé >.<but very tired in my school >.<i want i\'m in holiday !!i have add you in MSN ^^ and my adress is [email protected]
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2007
mooro :3
inactive user
Heh. thanks! lol. (: my mom bought it for me. ^^
You have a new pic too!. (: I like it. ♥
You know its only 9 more days till my birthday?
yaaaaay! And you have a free day then, right? Independence day or whatever. (: Am I right?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 25, 2007
haha yes i love chen ruki have blond hair héhé ^^ ys i want your msn ?? ^^ if you want !!
inactive user
do you hear about BIS ? <Japanese band> they are disbanding TT.TT i don\'t know why... Do you know what ? Yesterday my friend said that 12012 come to Poland xDDD I\'m so happy ^^ *___* that will be first J-rock concert when i will go xDDDD and I\'m sorry... you must wait for my answer so long... but i was very busy @@ :*****
inactive user
Owch!!! ><
I hope it gets better very soon ^^
I love going into Saunas but the one time i visited a sauna i went back to the changing room and fell.
I managed to split my head open and i had to have 4 stitches put in ><
Reply - Conversation - Nov 22, 2007
HiHiHi[[:sry..I\'m ******\'late replay...):
nd I\'ll have exams next week.Now I have study week for exams..Its S*CK...LOOOOOOLLLLLLL
BTW,How have u beeeeen????
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2007
ahh yess he change her hair style but i don\'t like hair syle of ruki >.< i don\'t like color of the hair ouuuu !!!
but i like nw hair style of uruha it\'s stange but i like hihi !!!you have a adress msn ??
inactive user
Hey ^^
thank you and you are prettier =P
how did you hurt your arm?? =[
i hope it\'s better now!!
xxxx talk to you soon ^^
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