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Pamela, 30 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 753.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2019
Hello:)I would love to receive post cards and what not, I'll send some as well! Army huh? That's cool, what will you be wanting to teach?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2019
Hello, it's nice to meet you, yes we can chat. I'm always happy to make new friends 🙂
Reply - Conversation - Jan 5, 2019
Hey pam so nice to meet you hope we can talk more possibly haha happy new years too :)
inactive user
I want to do humanitarian aid in Africa! A lot of people there speak french or english, so knowing both languages would be helpful!

As for English teaching, I have no idea!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 1, 2019
I would like to go toe USA, maybe even teach there, but don't think there is much demand for an English Language and Literature teacher
Why the interest in French? I learnt French in school but am out of practice
inactive user
Sure! We can chat if you'd like
inactive user
Hey replying, but nice to meet you I'm Joseph! 20 from the USA
inactive user
Hey! Finally read your post. I'm logging on after god knows how many years. It would be great to chat! I've recently got my degree in English as well and am currently studying Politics for my Master's degree.

Hope all is well!
inactive user
Hello! Sorry I haven't written back quickly. I have final week coming up and I am super busy with research papers and work.
I hope all is going well with you. As for the question you asked, I want to join the Peace Corps because it will allow me to travel amd most of all I really want to experience working abroad. I hope to work for their youth development program, I have been told it is awesome
I know what you mean, I have hardly any time to go out and socialize with friends.
Well, I better get going for now. But I hope to hear from you soon. Don't mind me if it takes me a while to respond in the next 2 weeks because of final weeks for school.
inactive user
Good morning! Well, it is a Good evening for you.
I got into archery when I first started college, and I guess you could say I just had a knack for it. And you are right it is not a common hobby, I thought archery was just for hunting, but it is not. They have a section for archery in the Olympics.
Speaking of rain, we are getting some scattered showers out here.
It is very hard, but I somehow manage to get things done.
I teach high school students, which many people feel that I am crazy for doing that. However, I love my students. They are just awesome and are the reason why I wake up every morning to do my job.
The peace corps is just something I have wanted to do since high school, and I hope to make that a reality this year.
How long have you been in the army?
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