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PabloEmilio, 36 y.o.

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 39.
inactive user
hi friend :D
inactive user
inactive user
pode ser msn??? estou com preguiça do skype!
inactive user
Claro!!! Não vejo nenhum problema em ter um penpal brasileiro. Nem se fosse meu vizinho.
inactive user
por nada!!! my pleasure!
inactive user
inactive user
I am Lijoy..from India..
How are you
inactive user
Ah you should get the chance, snow is fantastic when its really cold outside. Sweden is pretty cool. :)
Not like South America though.
I love tropical places, hate to be freezing but love snow, odd mix i now :P
The weather must be good in brazil?
inactive user
Can only imagine! :) I have to visit that country sometime.
Life in sweden is cold, grey and rainy. Not very exciting right now. Hope there will be some snow soon! :)
inactive user
Hola como estás? How´s life in Brazil, Seems like an amazing country!
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