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Oskar10, 33 y.o.
Stockholm, Sweden [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
inactive user
Jo well det är inte torsdag nu men sitter hemma hos min papi och bloggar lite :) själv då
inactive user
aw sounds like we need some timeoff coz im exhausteed for works from school also :/
inactive user
Nope! i have a Summer break :) and now here's Summer not Winter :) and okey! xDD talk to you next time Oskar :) good bye =D
inactive user
Yep, snowing again lol.

Was ok ... spend the whole day at school :P
Any plans for the weekend?

And ... Where is your 'Favourite Music'-Section? haha
inactive user
Oh! it's okey ;-)
and yeah! i have a break until June :) wow! i'm so lucky >_<!
and of course! if many people in Sweden need some of my warm! haha.. **Armmy giving my warm to Sweden** xDD
inactive user
Well, last week it was really warm here and everybody was enjoying the weather ... but yesterday it started snowing again O.o Luckily it wasnt too cold today, only windy lol.

How was your day?
inactive user
Haha lol.
Do you still have snow in Sweden?
inactive user
Oh! 9.29 PM!? that's cool! :)
have you had dinner? lol and tomorrow!? i'm not sure! maybe i might going to shopping with friends :) because now i'm vacation until June =DD well, i don't think so :P i think Thailand don't needs to get warmer hahaa.. because we get warm every days :P but tonight is so cold ,ore than yesterday ^^ hahaa.. xD but i think, Sweden need to get warmer =)
inactive user
Im great thanks, just a bit tired ;)
Whats wrong with the weather?
inactive user
hahaa.. however thanks again! :)

well, my day was great :) it's cold too! but not much =) and my day is starting now! =) now here's 3.18 am ^_^ hahaa,, and there? what time is it? =O
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