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Leonardo, 33 y.o.

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 47.
inactive user
Not that much but I'll eventually watch it again :)
inactive user
I've just watched some episods of the first season but nothing more haha
inactive user
I'm fine and you?
inactive user
inactive user
Where would you want to visit in the english speaking world?
inactive user
I would like to visit someday Portugal or Brazil. I am also a soldier in the US Army. It would be a dream to work with the foreign affairs corps and work with the Portuguese military as the US representative. Why do you want to learn?
inactive user
You should do the test. It's interesting!
inactive user
Yeah for sure! I think you may know English better than i know portuguese. but let me help you all you like. how much schooling do you have?
inactive user
inactive user
Hey Leonardo. I'm fine and you? :)
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