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Needychildren, 37 y.o.
Bwizibwera, Uganda [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 1, 2012
inactive user
Happy new year to you!!!:)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2011
Hamurwa Needy Children project invites you all to join a christmas party with the children which will take place at Hamurwa on 23th this month. you are highly welcome

for details email us at [email protected]


Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2010
You can sponsor this child in case you are interested .

About our Needy Children project,

We are wondering about how we can get connected to some churches like Grace Church of California, and some organizations like USAID(United States Agency For international development) or any other local church. I don’t know whether yours can be involved. So that we can run this project in a good way.

Why do we need Support?

The Children we support have either poor guardians or no guardians an need resources to allow them to be educated. We need funds to pay the teachers , to buy books for these children pens, pencils uniform Medical care and letting them to grow knowing About Jesus And even letting them to grow knowing their rights. Even teaching them about HIV/AIDS. And more like brankets,beddings,soap, mosquito nets................

The most thing increasing Orphans and needy children in Uganda is HIV/AIDS and also Poverty. HIV/AIDS is the biggest global development challenge of the time. In Uganda, AIDS has evolved from a health burden to a serious development crisis with visible social and economical effects on the entire society .

About Poverty,

In most cases it is hard to define what is poverty. It is a situation that comes in different dimensions and changes over time. Poverty is luck of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not able to see the doctor. Poverty is also not being able to go to school and not knowing how to read and write. Poverty is not having a job, and fear of the future living one day at a time. Poverty is also losing a child to illness poverty is powerless, luck of presentations and freedom.

Some times we talk to these children and they tell us about problems which poor children face, children mention a wide rang of problems which poor children face One the themes running though the findings is the sense if being unloved and despised, the psychosocial and
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2009
hey miss Mercy, where ever you are am not sure whether you rceived my reply.
tell me using this e-mail
[email protected]
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2009
This project was started with the aim of helping the needy and orphan Children, ift goal are in accordance with the eight mellenium Development goals .
for moreinformat​ion about this project,
log http://need​ychildrenafr​​
inactive user
Hello Dear,
How are you today?i hope am not disturbing you because i saw your profile and am interested to know you more age,distance doesn,t matter,love matters a lot in life,please write to me with my email ID .([email protected] ) so that i can send you my picture.
Thanks miss mercy .
Reply - Conversation - Oct 12, 2009
we need you to visit our website

Reply - Conversation - Oct 12, 2009
we need you to visit our website

Reply - Conversation - Oct 12, 2009
At this time people are so well informed about what goes in Africa Uganda in particular as we are well known for having brief case projects in the name of helping orphans yet we are the ones enriching ourselves!
I even looked at the web site you people have but is never convincing at all.How can a project with a web site use a public internet mail service like yahoo? Can't you have a domain where you have your own domain for addressing e.g. Montor newspaper have something like Mr. So and So @ so your should have something with your website name.
Secondly your web site leave a lot to be desired as far as web site development is concern. Get some professional to do the job and don't host it on some free site!!
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