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Larissa, 34 y.o.
Red Bank, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 93.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2011
Hey! I'm fine, busy with exams and stuff! How about you? All is well :) We just had my brothers birthday yesterday, and today I have a day off (from work and study) so I'm just chilling, haha!
Hope your ok :) !
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2011
Thank god dude :) All is well over here! Hope erverything's ok there?!
Today it's Queensday here (it's our Queen's birthday), so we're just having lot's of party's and stuff :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 19, 2011
What's up dude?! Everything OK?! :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2011
Hey :)

You sound like you have been really busy dude! What color is your apartment now?! I have to paint my room one of these days, but don't seem to find the time.... Ah well... maybe I'll just leave it bright yellow and green (I really liked that colors when I was like... 12, 13 maybe, haha).
Are you a little less busy with school this week? Or do you have like a thousand things to do?! I'm not really looking forward to this week, it's gonna be too busy! Have to do a presentation tomorrow... didn't prepair yet. Have to work on my thesis... didn't do a single thing since last Friday... Ah well... I'll manage... I guess, haha!

Why do guys suck? I mean, some guys do, I agree. But some of them are really cute/nice/handsome/funny :)

Euh yellow asics sneakers <3 I'm totally hooked on sneakers!

I've been ok! Besides the fact that I have a really bad cold since about 2 days... I sound like a 50 year old man on dope... But the positive part about that is that my mom keeps bringing mee candy and tea :)

And how are you? Hope you have a good week without to much stress! :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2011
Glad to hear that dude! What were you doing? School stuff or something?

OMG, I just fall in love with a pair of shoes :D <3 !!!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2011
Dude?! Are you OK?!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2011
Of course I knew dudette was the female dude, haha! I often call my friends like that (not that they all like it, but why should I care about that, haha)!

Thanks dude(tte)! The Dutch team needs all the support they can get! Next friday the have a match against Hongary (I think)... Let's hope they win :) ! Wow, you avatar must be really, really great haha! I'm guessing, it's ORANGE :D!

Hockey is cool too! But I'm guessing with hockey you mean icehockey?! That's not a big sport around here. We are more into field hockey, wich is like totally different, haha! You should train dude! It's always cool to be good at something, I think! And it's never to late to learn something (at least, that's what my grandma says, haha!).

Yep! An office! I've got MY OWN office dude! It's a pretty fancy job... I mean, I have a lot of responsibilities... and I get payed pretty well, haha! I'm the administrator in a primary school.

You hate the summer?! I totally adore the summer! I do totally nothing, whole summer long, haha! Well, I hang with friends, play some sports, go on a holiday, stuff like that. But I don't do schoolwork during summer, period.

But I must say, you deserve nothing but respect for that! Summer classes AND work... That must be hard! What kind of classes are you gonna take?

Yes, 1st of July... It's pretty normal around here... When do you get your summer holiday? And yes, it's far away... But I'll survive (I guess, haha)!

Haha, I did it! Well, she didn't even got mad or something. She just called me picky (wich is NOT my name) back! She likes to rhyme things... So when she doesn't call me nicky, it's always something like: picky, wicky, ficky, klicky, etc.. I just call her Maartje Paardenstaartje (wich rhymes too in Dutch, haha)! Well, I guess my mom's just a bit crazy, but fun!

I can't imagine that around here... A McDonalds on every corner... wow... No, we don't eat a lot of food around here, I guess... Last week, I saw a documentary on t.v.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2011
Thank god dude! Having a head ache sucks badly!

Just root for the Dutch National team, haha! I think they're really great, they lost the world champions final last summer... Spain was better at that time. Do you know any Dutch soccer players, haha?! What's your favorite sport?

Wow you must have a really great life, doing nothing, haha! I'm at work, since 8am this morning... There are some kids in my office, learning how to do like really easy math... They add up 5 and 6 and stuff, haha. But hey, they're only like 6 years old, so I should give them a break!

Register for summer classes?! Do you take classes during summer?! That's like really fanatical, haha! I'll be done with my finals on the 1st of July, and then I don't go to school until the 1st of September, haha! But don't you register trough internet? When I have to register for a class, I have to do it trough internet (blackboard or comap).

Haha! Dude is a pretty great word indeed! My mom hates it too when I call her something else than mom (like: muttie, knakworst, maartje (her real name)). Maybe I'll try to call her dude one of these days!

Nope, never had taco bells... Never even seen one in my whole life, haha! I guess there are much more fast food stores in the US than there are here. We've got more 'fancy' restaurants... But I don't eat out a lot... Most of the time my mom cooks, I cook about 2 times a week, and sometimes we have diner at a restaurant.

Have a great day dude!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 20, 2011
Is your head ache over now, dude! I hope so!

Just a Dutch tv show, you wouldn't know it. Watching some sports now, the Dutch soccer league!

Not one thing?! Well, then you must be really relaxxxxed, haha! Do you have to go to school again tomorrow?

Haha so you're totally in the dark, then! You should have like a t-shirt that says: I'm the bat girl, DUDE! Haha!

We don't have Taco Bell's over here... Just McDonalds and KFC... Wow, I'm SOOO hungry right, now, haha!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 20, 2011
Dude! Wow that's long! You must have been really tired! But yeah, pretty damn sweet, haha!
My weekend is like really really lame, haha! I didn't do much yesterday (visited some family), and today I'm just chilling... Posting stuff on my blog... Watching some stupid tv show, haha.
So your awake during the day now, does this mean that your no batgirl anymore :O?

(OMG, I totaly feel like going to McDonnalds dude!)
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