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Nanuli, 36 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 86.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2011
wow, it took me 2 years to reply this wall post... I'm sooo lazy... hi
inactive user
Hei, mita kuuluu?
Well, since I started studying Finnish I always see that "Finnish speakers..." sidebar, so that's how I found you.
Anyhow! I've just read you profile and took a look at your deviantART gallery and I must mention I liked it alot.

'Boys Don't Cry' is such an awful movie, so sad. Are you into "proud" movies then? 'Cause I have some recommendations.
By the way, if you know any good Finnish books/movies/music, I'd obviously like you to tell me about them. ^^

Häivää päivää.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2009
how are things going?
hi! I found a job at call center for costumer care in inglish....
we are working for USA companies. it's a good job... I have enough money to pay my studies!
and..... I already have my ticket for METALLICA's concert on january 22nd I`m so excited... this will be the first time i can see them!!!
hope U are ok girl! write to me asap and tell me how is your life going!
inactive user
Hello how have you been?
I'm good thank you.
it is not snow here, actually it doesn't snow in my city
One of my friend's come in Japan so I went to Tokyo to see her, and we had much fun.
inactive user
hello cutie
how are you
what about ur day;);)
inactive user
ohhh and it is getting cold here too i reall don't like it
Im doing good as normal haha
how about you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2009
hi girl!
it's been a long time!
we haven't talk for a while!!!
I'm not going to University anymore... I want to study something else I'll study to be a web designer! I'm starting my studies next year...
meanwhile i'm looking for a job to pay my studies.
and weather here had been quite strange! some winter days had been quite hot
and now in spring it's rather cold..
I really don't understand what's going on!
well, hope U are Ok!!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2009
Morndulin... Hi! It's difficult to say that word on my language (spanish).

How are you? I've read your profile... At the beggining of that I felt... like... O_O ... ahaha... But it turned into a o_ó When i read that you like japanese culture and - among other things- ... That you like Dir en grey! Wow...

I'm a student of japanese and english to spanish translation. So, I also like japanese language.

I don't know anything about Finland =.=
inactive user
yeah it is still hot but not enough to swim haha
how about there?
inactive user
oh we played there haha it was nice
and I went to the beach again haha
it was nice again
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