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Rebecca, 35 y.o.
San Francisco, United States [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 253.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 20, 2010

how are you? What's up? I love San Francisco. I was there last summer and I'll go there again in 5 weeks. I can't wait. So what are you studying?

Have a nice day,

inactive user
hullo:) melissa
im a senior rite now in Orange County,CA
but i plan on goiin to SFSU next year..where do u go?
inactive user
Hey Rebecca!
What's up!?
inactive user
Hhhm that link doesn't seem to work.
Power to the peaceful sounds like my kinda thing.
Oh of course the MoMA. Yea I hear the touristy harbor area is unavoidable if you wanna get the best Seafood.

Oh wow my favorite place?
I honestly can't say each place has shown me soo many things...
inactive user
Nope, don't know her.
Well nightlife, yes but not really clubbing. I'm into the outdoor more hippie type parties or low key warehousers. Art, of course, shopping not so much. I'm pretty minimalistic in terms of material stuff haha. Oh food, gotta hit up the bay for seafood.
inactive user
hey long time no talk lol
inactive user
Hey, no worries. That trip had to be postponed so I still haven't gone yet! So fill me in on these places. Do you like it there? Yup I love it here, its a great base. Oh yeah? Whats his/her name? Maybe I know him/her. Yea its a cool school, theres no campus life though because no one lives there.
inactive user
Hello hello
I've always used this site to connect with people far away.
However, why not use it for the short trips as well. Anyway, I'm heading up to SF soon, and would like to know some of the cool places our generation hits up around there.
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2009
how r you ?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 22, 2009
hello how are you doing?:)
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