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Missmacie, 41 y.o.
Crestwood, United States [Current City]


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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 84.
inactive user
I feel horrible for not messaging you back for, like, five days XD How are you, though? <3
inactive user
that's rightt, okayy let'sssss gooooooooo !! (:
Reply - Conversation - May 7, 2011
Not a whole lot, I am going out to eat with my brother later. How about you?
inactive user
hahaa where ?
inactive user
awesome ! that sounds funn(:
and no, not really..
inactive user
awwhh thankss !! :D
cute, have funn in Chicago !!!!
inactive user
that's good (:
hmmm, I'm taking my SATs tomorrow, and probablygoing to do something for mothers' day, how about youu ?
inactive user
pretty nice out, how's Crestwood ?
Reply - Conversation - May 6, 2011
where ya goingg? and its pretty in danville, idk about the rest of virginia!
Reply - Conversation - May 6, 2011
i guess you could say that. how about you?
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