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Mike, 30 y.o.
Warsaw, Poland [Current City]
Wrocław, Poland [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Bachelor's degree



Joined 6 years ago, profile updated 1 year ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
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this site is better -
inactive user
this site is better -
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this site is better -
inactive user
Hey.505 I enjoy when my candid photos look and compliment me. Will you watch them?
inactive user
lol "the management of France is trouble"...
Believe me, it's WORSE than "trouble". ha ha
Just make SURE that it doesn't happen to your country as well!
Vote for the right people, and protect your country!
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2018
I was talking about the current migration situation and civil unrest that is happenin'. Not yet, but I intend to. Although had my share of experience in that field, as I had run my own company previously and had been working in few other jobs that required me to to take duties normally required out of PR stuff.
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2018
Hello, you are studying PR?

That's so cool. And why did you say the management of France is trouble these days?

Sure, we can exchange.
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2018
ok we can talk nice meet you :)
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2018
Hey, I'm still good, thanks! and yeah, it was a great movie, maybe greatest?, nice to meet you :D.
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