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Megan , 35 y.o.

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 398.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2019
저는 물고기 아니에요 ㅋㅋㅋ
very funny lol
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2019
well, anyhow, if you're interested in teaching spoken English (no korean required), i'm considering teaching there. my friend's cousin said he'd open an english learning school and i can teach and help run it. otherwise, i was told that many of the people teaching there really suck and their english sucks, haha. i'm talking about the non-native korean teachers
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2019
oh, that's awesome. so are you fluent in korean? i am considering teaching english there.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2019
Why is your face missing from your profile pic?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2019
I'm good. You should write. Are you studying Korean or something? I moved back to LA and have Korean housemates. My friend asked me if I wanted to study Korean and arrange to open a school teaching English there.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2019
Haha, yes, and he doesn't charge anything. Dr. Frankenstein, haha!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2019
Hi stranger! How do you fix a broken heart? Answer: I know, with a heart transplant?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 12, 2015
Hey me too! haha Sorry I was studying abroad in the US and didn't log on for a long while. How have you been? I was in California! It was amazing!! Now i'm just doing internship and it's like back to the reality haha.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 20, 2015
hey! honey you going to korea?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12, 2015
doing very well so far then. and 12 ahead of me, I haven't even read half of one yet. I get far to distracted when trying to read books, start on one then move to another.
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