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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 236.
inactive user
hats cool maxx

im sagi im 15 too i live in israel..
i play a lot of sports like soccer tennis basketball swimming and more.. some of the in teams and all lol :)
music is my life.. im singer, write songs and play the guitar..
i love animals and my friends which is the same.. lol kidding.

so you write songs too? thats awsome..
like what kind? its really interesting to see writters style cuz everyone has different style for writting..
inactive user
Hey Maxii ;] I'm Moritz :D
How are you?
May i can help you in speaking German?^^But my english isn't good.
inactive user
thats good that all good lol..

you welcome..
btw i have to say that im really agree with you and like your profile..

umm nothing much you know..
so wanna tell me about ya?
like hobbies and stuff?
Reply - Conversation - May 8, 2009
im heaps good
hav a nice day
inactive user
hey max

thats good

nice to meet ya too
and thanks for writting back as well..

your looking cool..
what have you been up to?
inactive user

how are you doing?

im sagi
Reply - Conversation - May 3, 2009
u hav a awesome taste in
inactive user
hmm ok my name sounds quite odd anyways i'll tell kunal,:P But what u wrote was really nice.;) HEy just one thing i dont understand...:P u like googles .:lol:
Reply - Conversation - Apr 19, 2009
im not feeling too good
r u ready/excited about going back to school?
inactive user
gr8 stuff,, what u wrote ,really worth its weight in gold, u very very mature 4 a 15 yr girl.;)
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