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Ken Mac, 36 y.o.
Warwick, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Some college
Community College Of Rhode Island

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1267.
inactive user
Hey.578 I enjoy when my candid photos look and compliment me. Will you watch them?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2020
Hi there,
nice profile and pic.
Greetings from Germany.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 19, 2014
Hei! Thanks for dropping a message! c:
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2014
So they are technically two very different languages . So Japanese is a lot easiest to learn because it is not so much tone based as it is more writing form as you can just speak the words just as they are.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2014
Japanese: everyone can pronounce japanese words, almost like English. But in Chinese they have 4 different tones for just , for example saying SHI, you can say in different ways. And in Chinese it's very important to pronounce the words correctly or it's not udnerstandabloe.
Writing: Chinese writing is extremly hard and you need long time to learn them, to be able to read a newspaper you need at least 2000 characters to be saved in your brain. And in Japanese, they have also almost the same (kanji) chinese characters but they also use 2 different alphabetical system, katakana and hiragana which you can learn in a few months. And you can use them to talk to japanese people, but you won't be able to read everything in Japan because they use a lot of kanji, or only kanji in japanaese newspaper for example.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2014
aaaah. So which should I learn first? Either way I would be up for learning one or the other.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2014
aaaah. So which should I learn first? Either way I would be up for learning one or the other.
inactive user
there are also some different variations of writing in Chinese.
inactive user
The beginning is very simple,Japanese has 50 basic Japanese pronouncing letters,i think is easy to remember.Because there are many loan words in Japanese. but the tones of Chinese and Chinese characters all seem to be a difficulty for foreigners. besides,There are traditional and simplified characters in Chinese.
inactive user
janpanese is more easy to learn,but yes,i can teach you chinese:)
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