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Marlon, 34 y.o.
Taipei, Taiwan [Current City]


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Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
Reply - Conversation - May 11, 2016
hi nice to meet you
I want one friend to help consultation with Taiwan 's culture to tourism .
Reply - Conversation - Oct 2, 2014
Let me just say, it was amazing!!!! And there is this hidden secret as to why they drug Frozen into it. :) if you want a link to watch it online, just let me know! I have a free website/link where you can watch it.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2014
Hey!!! What did you think of the season premier of Once season 4??
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2014
If you remember Pinocchio was given a second chance at life, but was turned into a child we don't know whats's gonna happen.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2014
In Storybrooke, Emma also loved Pinnochio and Graham...but Pinnochio was changed into a child (given a second chance to start over) and Regina killed Graham by squishing his heart to dust.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2014
Season 3 is my favorite season, but my roommate is like halfway through season 1, but catching up relatively fast. :) but if you think about it, every guy emma ever loved; died or what's in store for hook?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 25, 2014
I love Emma and Killian too!! My other favorite couple; sad fact though....producers said that it probably won't be a happy ending for Emma and Killian (not destined to be together) :(
Reply - Conversation - Sep 24, 2014
I do have to agree with that about Snow; her good girl act is getting really annoying. The relationship between Snow and Charming is okay, but a little cliche in my eyes
Reply - Conversation - Sep 24, 2014
right right!! i remember, poor Red.
how about snow white and charming? did you like them?
i think, Snow is obsessions to be a good people, it's continued four season is little annoying. haha
Reply - Conversation - Sep 24, 2014
That's my favorite couple too!!!! It's the third season where they start working on their relationship. And Red, she killed her boyfriend in the first season, when they believed it was him who was the wolf.
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