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Marcos, 32 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 43.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 1, 2009
I'm really sorry........ T.T I went to O.T. and sth... T.T
My new roommate is Chinese...^^
He's very kind and good!^^
I'm comfortable to do with him..^^
How's your days??
Tomorrow study is start...
I'm little nervous and excited...^^;;
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2009
^^ Finally!!!!!!!! I allocated my room in domitory...^^
I said domitory teacher to share with foreign student.^^
That's better way to improve my foreign language skill and make many friend.^^
I don't care roomate's nationality.^^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 22, 2009
Umm.. today when I woke up I felt my neck is hurt...
I think I slept wrong posture.... T.T
It's very hurt now..... T.T
Anyways,, I'm tired of waiting domitory announcement­...
I want to go domitory ASAP and I arrange my room ...
But I have to wait... T.T
It's very horrible!!!!­ I can't bear it!!!!
I heard tomorrow that result will come out....T.T
Reply - Conversation - Feb 22, 2009

Is there no snow in Arizona?

When my firend was in California, but now in New york, he always complained that there is no snow! Whenever he come to korea, it is always summer, so ... he couldn't see snow!!!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2009
Oh really? Isn't Arizona rained??
Oh... that's too bad...... T.T
I don't like rain but after some drought days I love rain!!
Also after rained day, atmosphere is very very clean!!^^
Today I stayed all day in my house... T.T
It was very boring day.....T.T
So I cleaned my room and packed my books to send my new domitory.^^
Although it isn't not yet I select domitory, but I heard my friend everybody who belong to that program must be selected domitory..^^
It makes me feel better...^^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2009
I come back home!!!!!!!!!!!
but I have to go dorm again... I just wanna more sleep so I come back home for the sleep.

Next week. I can meet some new teachers .. They will teahc us in 12th grade ....... I really want my biology teacher to be my homeroom teacher.

She has taught me since 10th grade.. I really like her!!!!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 20, 2009
oh~~~~~~~~~ so cool

Is there a good vision in Pediatric surgeon?

I hope you to be the best Pediatric surgeon.

Thesedays, I want to go medical school when I graduate the university.....~~
Reply - Conversation - Feb 19, 2009
Wow!! I want to ride that....^^
Show me your new car~~~~~~~~~~^^
Today is my graduation day...^^
It's little happy but I feel little empty...T.T
I don't want to say-goodbye to my friend.....T.T
But to go university is another new start to me, so I'll change my mind and accept new start.^^
How's your days??
Today in my city,Ulsan, rained. T.T
That makes me more sorrowful...T.T
Reply - Conversation - Feb 19, 2009
when I was crazy about House, I wanted to major in patholiogist.
But ... when I have a chance to go medical shcool, I really want to study internal medicine especially in the circulatory system!!!!!!!!!!!
SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also want to learn psycopathology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah... You will go to medical shcool, won't you?
so what kind of major do you want?
Physician or surgeon?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 18, 2009
really??!! How wonderful!!!
What kind of car?? Sportcar?? Cuz I want to get a sportcar!^^
Today I passed my last test in driving!!
And next Monday I'll receive driver license!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^
It's all the end!!! I'm very happy~^^
It had a lot of time and money.... T.T
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