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Martina, 32 y.o.
Boskovice, Czech Republic [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice


Graduate degree



Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 39.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 22, 2020
Ciao,un saluto da Bologna,Italia
inactive user
Hi nice to meet you welcome to Dubai i hope u like
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2015
Thanks friend :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2015
Thanks friend :)
inactive user
By the way Martina, I'm gonna visit Prague soon. Anything you could recommend me to do? :p Meals, places, etc :)
inactive user
Haha :D
Hmm..the last one was World War Z, which is not that good but ok. I saw "Distant" a bit old movie which won some awards at Cannes. It's more like a cultural and character study rather than an action movie. And finally "Ran" by A.Kurosawa - you should definitely watch this one. It's marvelous!
inactive user
But come on, you're the friendliest person ever! :D You should be friends with everyone! ;D
I started to watch TWD much later than everybody else, all 4 seasons were complete when I started so I finished all of them in a short time. But now, this waiting is unbearable :D I'm watching many movies recently!
inactive user
You have the best requests part ever! :D
That's the thing, I watched it until the point where these two guys faced each other (you know, old friends) then switched to Walking Dead. TWD was the same in the first episodes, but then got better :D I don't think I'm gonna switch back to Revolution though.
inactive user
Hej Martina! I figured we could be the best friends ever! :p na, just joking.
Have you been watching the Revolution series? And is it good or did it get better? I started watching it but soon gave up, it started to be monotonous.
inactive user
thank you thank you thank you :D
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