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Magenta, 34 y.o.
Darwin, Australia [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2009
Hi '
Its been a while since i have hear from you. How are you ? is there any exciting stuffs with you.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2009
I'm so sorry I haven't replied to you for a while!
I've been very busy with my part time job and driving school.
How have you been??

Hope you're well:)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2009
yeah apple pie is so good! but is it popular in england? ;D
umm i really like grapefruit :D
mango is good too but i think it is really expensive...!
ahhh earl gray..i often drink it and it is so good!!!

アップルパイはすごくおいしいね!!でもイギリスで人気なの?! ;D
in japanese we say 'ryokucha' (緑茶) for green tea! :D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2009
i read books, music and cricket.
So you anyone in japan that they would offer a chance for u to act ?

I believe that someone can never judge a student s ability just with their marks. A three hour exam cannot justify it.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2009
Yup Its report card here too. We have ranks not grades. We have to get it signed by our parents and submit it back in the school.

So hows your job ? did u say u were writing a book ? how bout your acting ?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2009
oh ok. You call it Open day in here. The teachers would meet the student's parents and give out their performance cards.But they do not provide food. he he

i ve heard in finland the schools have to provide lunch for the children everyday. In India its not so.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2009
I am fine. I am working on my assignment. ( Taxation)
Hoe you get well soon. Take care and eat healthy.

do post some pics of japan when you return. I dont even have a camera.

You had your breakfast with your brother's class ?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2009
Yeah I've only been to Adelaide and it was soo much fun:D
Did you come to Japan with your school or something?
Yes! I absolutely love it!! lol
I've heard of Sea World. My friend lives in Queensland went there for a holiday. She told me so.

Your Japanese is very good;) Do you keep on learning?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2009
I was sure because of it:)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2009
Yup Its cool. Are you going with your friends ? or form the place where you study ?

When will you be back from japan ? Wishing you the very best for your stay in Japan.

Anything exciting wit you today?
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