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LovelyAce, 31 y.o.
Asheville, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 517.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2013
Yes, a Bachelor/Bachelorette fan! XD こんにちは, I'm Ariel. :) How are you?
inactive user
YES exactly XDDD

I understand some basic korean ^^ ...but they also often said "Herro" XDD ...awww i am still melting when i am think about this

I will teach at a language institute so its more like a private high school. But i will also do a little minijob at the weekends. There are many german-japanese school and kindergartens and they always looking for german native speakers so this would be a great extra for me ^^

Paper work is going slowly as always XDD its just not the work i would like to do XDD i am more an active and speaking type of person i guess ^^
How was your week so far?
inactive user
yes i have, so you can seach by my ID which shows on my profile :-)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2013
No probs! you left me a message a while back but I never got back to you, do apologize! And aye :D I move up tonight, well, in 2 hours! Getting ready for the big move, I spent a day up in Edinburgh and it was lovely cant wait to settle it :D Nice to meet you too, I am jamie nice to meet you Keri :)
Take care hope to hear form you :D
inactive user
Ahahahaha yeah its like that in CHina too ^^ if girls want to take picture with you, they may say at home or too friends that you are her american friend/lover what ever ahhaa

But i made some really cute experience. When i went to South Korea many kids asked me on street about my hair ^^ a little girl even ask me too touch it soooo cute

You are welcome ^^ just chase your dream! ^^
I am fine just came back from swimming now relaxing ^^ watching some series and no weekend for me hahaha have to work on a term paper ahaha

how about you?
inactive user
inactive user
now i'm on a trading business field. it's not a high-paying job haha well when i was working as a part time job on us navy base in yokosuka, i liked taco bell so much! it's not available outside of the base, i can never eat that unless i'm employed on base again or going to the us :-/ i don't know why they don't start a market penetration in japan. i'm pretty much sure that they will have smash sales behind mcdonalds :D
inactive user
haha yes we can exactly, so i hope your lol i have had a job since i graduated a 2 year college. i hope your success to be in japan as you plan :D what kind of part time job is that then?
inactive user

okonomiyaki is yummy too :) i haven't been outside of japan even once, so i want to go to any countries haha
inactive user

takoyaki is octopus :) yes i have had a crepe too, i prefer marion crepe lol
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