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~*Laurs*~, 40 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 41.
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2010
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, as you've prob realised I don't come on here very often!

Things aren't too bad thanks, nearly finished uni just been working really apart from that.. hows things with you?

inactive user
I'm good thanks
How are you?
I've had a brilliant easter
Did you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 20, 2009
lol.. haven't had any more silly moments since.. but i'm sure it won't be long! haha! I loved Paris, really want to go back, was there 3 days and it just wasn't enough! where did you visit in Paris?
haha I can't stand any of it, i'm not usually too bad when the planes up there.. but the last flight on we had reallllly bad turbulence and i was squeezing my boyfriends arm realllly hard.. he wasn't impressed! lol
im not sure really but i think it was lifting all the pint glasses out of the dishwasher at work. it's still a bit sore but not as bad as it was!
sounds good :) you had a good weekend then? I worked yesterday in the morning but I've been relaxing ever since, not working at the pub alll weekend! :D going into my last week before going back to uni so I'm going to make the most of it before all the hard work starts again! :D x
inactive user
hey yeah that would be cool
i know peterborough thats cool i live not far from there.
do u like it?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2009
Oh cool, I'm good thanks. And nope nothing much, just having a girly night in I suppose on saturday with my sister and Amira. You?
inactive user
hehe i hate packing at the last minute as i always forget something :)
don't think there will be a leaving do as i might be back working at christmas so its kinda temporary leaving :)
hehe horse riding so do you live in a village then :)
inactive user
hehe good evening to you too :)
packing is going well doing it slowly and calmly always the best way to go, yep only one day of work left quite glad about it ,
anyway hows your night :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2009
lol.. i'm always doing stupid stuff! I had to go in the freezer yesterday at work to get some more ice cream but I looked and looked and couldnt find any.. got chef to have a look and found out it was in the box i was leaning on.. oops!
wow you've visited a lot of places! I've always wanted to visit New York. I've been to Spain, Balerics, Paris and Ireland. I'm not that keen on flying though so have to get over that before I fly all the way to the states!
I'm not bad thanks.. got a sore back though :( you?
yea my weekend was alright, i worked 2 jobs on the Saturday so that was tiring but Sunday was nice and relaxing! What did you get up 2? :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2009
Oh cool lol, and amazing :-)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2009
hey hey [email protected] as i am hardly on here
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