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Lizzy, 31 y.o.
Santa Rosa, United States [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 203.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 19, 2010
Hey Lizzy,
Your profile looks sympathetic!
How are you?
xo from Amsterdam!
inactive user
hey Lizzy i'm matt ..... hru
inactive user
Heyhey :)
hows you?
inactive user
Busy class night finally ended, im so happy :D No more of those damn practices every night.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 16, 2009
Lizzy babe !

how've u been ?!
inactive user
Well was out with friends on friday night.
Then was dancing yesterday. Then went to a house party.. was a bit mad.
Then today I'm just chiiling and finishing some school work.
Sooo don't want to go in tomorrow.
inactive user
Cool. Oh i hate drunken phone calls. The day after a big night out i always check my call history and sent messages to check what damage I've done haha. Its usually bad ahah

What you been up to this weekend?
inactive user
Hahha, its fine. I haven't talked to you in a while, how have you been?
inactive user
Yea My older step sister has a french boyfriend and he came on holiday with us and he actually spoke better english than me no joke. He cep't correcting my grammer & english is my first and only language.
Yea the age limit here is 18 but no one sticks to that ever.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2009
heyyy u too !

whats new wit u ?!
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