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Liqueur, 30 y.o.
Daegu, South Korea [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 251.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2011
Lol don't worry, it's the same here.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
of course i do, i love them all
inactive user
You spend your most time at school now? Well I hope you'll be fine and learn many new things! :)) I will send you also messages. ^^
inactive user
I am pretty fine actually, thanks for asking. :) Our one-week-holiday starts and I love it! :D I don't have to go to school next week and that's so great. :D :)
How are you? ^^
inactive user
I am on a grade 9 so yes I maybe am. I'm not sure is it said high school or middle school. But maybe it's high school. :D What about you?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 1, 2011
thanks :) are you doing nowadays?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 28, 2011
That's true.............I'm okay. A bit sick but okay. You?
inactive user
Now it's here 10:22 pm and it's a Friday evening. I love Fridays because right after the school the weekend starts, haha. :)
At school our Fridays are not very hard: we go to school at 10:00 am, two lessons physics, lunch, social studies/civics, maths and religion. We come from school at 3:00 pm. It's nice that you can sleep more when you come to school at 10:00 am. I love those school mornings. :D
Today I had my hobby: gymnastics. I am in another group now (I changed my group) and it was my first time to be in that group. It's a nice group but the girls are younger than me. That's pretty fine, though. They are nice. :) Anyway, my hobby took two hours. It was quite nice there. :)
Anyways, how was your day? ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jan 27, 2011
oh no its no problem.....we can sure be friends :)

yeah well india has made a lot of progress in IT & maths...but it still most households don't have electricity and many people are illiterate here

i'm doing fine...i just gave a horrible algebra exam... have to study history for tomorrow... :(
inactive user
I am fine too, thanks. It is cold here too and I really don't wanna be out either now. :/
Oh, did she say that? How nice! Thank you. :) I believe she is very pretty too. ^^
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