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Lily_huang, 55 y.o.
Guangzhou, China [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
inactive user
I am Korean
I look forward to a good relationship
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2012
Hello Lily,
I live in the State of Michigan, in a very small town, but I visit Chicago often. Where did you visit in the United States? Did you enjoy the holiday?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2012
lily 你好


Reply - Conversation - Sep 20, 2010
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2010
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2010

²THANK YOU FOR YOUR REPONSE . THIS PUCTURE IN MY CITY ZAGORA .. désert sud morocco : welcom in mu cantry
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2010
hello lily

how are you
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2010
Hello Lily,
I am Tiffiny, from the U.S. I think your English is quite good! Where in China is GuanZhou?
inactive user
Hi Lily,

Ni hao? Wo gen jue hen. Xhcexche for your mail. Xchexche isn't it "thank you"? xchexche in German language is "Danke". I am very good in chinese language, ha,ha.

I also know the Chinese word "nüren" for woman. In German this is "Frau".

What is the weather like in Guangzhou? Here it is very hot by tempertures of 37°Celsius. Many old German people can't stand up the heat and die because of these high and hot temperatures.
I often have been asked by foreigners what is the typical sign of German people and of the mood of German people. There is no typical sign of Germans, I think. Germans are characterized by a big kind of indifference compared to signifiant marks of other nation's people.They seldom laugh, ha, ha...
What is the significant mark of Chinese people in your mind?
Well, Worldchampionship of soccer, football has ended and Germans finished the games as third in the range. This is very good result. The success of German team is caused by a very strange and odd fact..German team consists of players whose parents and grand parents had immigrated from other countries
to Germany since 1950. Germany is therefore a "multi-culti"country with a multi- culti soccer team, ha, ha.. I have addes some photos to my profile about Worldchampionship parties here in Freiburg celebrated by different nations. I hope you can see them. We had spent 4 wonderful weeks because of soccer parties

Imagine you had to live with together with ten different nations in a very, very small room. This is the situation of Germany. This is more complicated than it would bein 100 time bigger China. Isn't it?
Immigrants to Germany feel primarily as Germans and not as Turkish or African or Arabian muslim people which haas been there original identy. How about this situation in China?

What is your profession and job?

Well, I'll take an end to this long letter.

Have a nice day and best wishes to your family.

inactive user
Hello Lily,

Ni hao?
I hope that you feel very well. I am very happy to may communicate with you. Thank you for your mail.

Ni hao? in Germyn language is "Wie geht's".? "Es geht mir gut" is "I feel very well". What is "Es geht mir gut" in Chniese language?
Thank you for your translation.

Guangzhou, where you are living, is it a region or is it a town?
Please tell me more about Guangzhou.

I only know that typhoons(?) -tornados- waste and destroy Guangzhou. Is that true?

Well, yesterday Germany had also been overcome by another kind
of typhoon, although it was not a real tornado. Millions of Germans had been overcome by a feeling of "soccer-hype" caused by the victories of German national football team during the Wordchampionship of Football in South Africa. Yesterday million of Germans celebrated therefore parties on the street. They all are crazy.......I hope that this hype will take an end very soon.

People in Guangzhou are working very much ? so I have heard.
Plese tell me more about you.

I wish you a very nice time.

Nice regards from

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