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Lilac43, 59 y.o.
Toledo, United States [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 64.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 25, 2016
hello greeting from sri lanka
i am Aruna Doing handmade jedwellery work with gemstones
hope ur family doing well ? how about you}
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2015
Hi hello can we be friends and interact to know each other better
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2012
Hey babe.
How are U, your daughters and grandkids? I'm ok, been abit up and down.
I'll think of something really good for your dirty email k?
Love U.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2009
hi hun how are you, hope you are ok. How are the grandchildren, hope they are well. Well take care shaz x
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2009
hey sweetheart how are you, hope you are ok. how are the grandchildren, so what have you been up to. Been any where special, well hope you are ok, take care of your self all my love shaz x
Reply - Conversation - May 27, 2009
hi hun my names shaz, i am 37 years old. I am married with three children, all boys. Ben is my eldest he is 16, and leaves school in a couple of weeks. Hes starting collage in september, hes doing buisness management. Then theres my next eldest son grant, hes 15 and then theres my baby jack hes 12. I live in england a place called stoke on trent staffordshire. I to love CSI and ghost wisperer. I also love anything to do with the paranormal, music wise i love country and all the 50s, 60s and 70s and 80s. My husbands name is mark, i have two dogs and a budgie. I also love anything to do with native american indians, my favourite colour is lilac. Also my favourite food is pasta, fish, vegeatbles, jacket spud, and salads and plenty of fruit. I am looking to meet sincere people, who are kind and caring. And i would love it if i could become your friend. Well take care and i wish you and your family well. All my love and best wishes from sharon x
inactive user
I am impressed with your profile,i wish to add you as one of my friends if you don't mine.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2009
were you go you still there mama
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2009
hey mommy what you doing today be side online
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