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Linnea, 31 y.o.
Gävle, Sweden [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 269.
inactive user
That's awesome! I bet you're excited. :P
inactive user
Well, we get to talk to the school counselors and other people from time to time, but to be honest, it doesn't really help at all. :P
Ahh that's really good that you get to explore all options! Then, you'll be able to pick one that you love the best! Do you have any idea which one you'd like to do the best?
inactive user
Ohh that's cool! I wish they had something like that here.Here, you just go to high school for 4 years and then you're left to decide what you're going to do with no guidance or help.
Media, that sounds really interesting! Are you studying Media in general or something more in depth?
inactive user
Accounting is basically keeping track of financial records and stuff like that. :P
Why is it called "Gymnasiet"? It sounds interesting! :)
inactive user
I'm still in High School (Boooo D: ), But I will be graduating soon. I'll be going to college in August to study Accounting or International Business. I haven't decided yet. :)
inactive user
:/ Well, i'm glad that you're getting ice cream and tea! :D
inactive user
Yeah,I have this week off. Hooray! :D
Tonsillitis? Oh no!That sucks! Drink tea.It usually relieves some of the pain. :)
inactive user
Haha I know how you feel! :P I'm on a school break as well,and I find myself going to bed at 12 or 1. :P
Aww, I hope you feel better soon!
inactive user
Oh really? And you aren't sleeping? XD
inactive user
It is 5:43 P.M over here.
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