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Lexii , 30 y.o.
Fairfield, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 92.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2012
of cause i know you.but i'm too busy to surf the internet .i will have a college entrance examination next know ,it's very important for chinese students,so i have to study harder and harder.then how are you?
inactive user
annyeong chingu missed u so much ^^
inactive user
very nice u? :)
inactive user
oh hi :) how are u? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2012
LOL!! Duhh! lawl!!!! Im actually talking to my bff and writing to random ppl on here! and i am just pushing my bed time! And I am originally from the US but my parents are from Bangladesh and we go there all the time! :D
inactive user
What up :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2012
Thankkkkk youuuu sooo much~~~~~ I am pretty good actually it's summer so im getting kind of lazy! Lol! but how are you? :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2011
i`m so busy those days.So i have less time to get online .i`m good,and you?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2011
No when is it? And I LOVE DB5K!!!
inactive user
Hahaha yes, that saying is true-without a doubt! :)
I'm glad I didn't quit either. I love making new friends, learning new languages and cultures, too much. I would miss it more than words could explain. Haha! Aw, thanks, Unnie! You're soo sweet! I love you, but I can not let you buy!!! So, end of discussion ;) Well, I'll get my benefits and all don't you worry, hehe arasso? Hehehe

Unnie, I am so GLAD you gave him a chance!!!! He is sexy and hot as HELL! Haha ain't ya glad? Ain't ya? Besides, I knew from the beginning that you and Tae would just hit it off!!! Let's face the fact, Unnie, you two are made for each other!! <333
Hahaha GURL!!! I bet he be makin' u write checks with NO PEN! Hahahahaha WHOOWEEE!!!! Haha tell, Tae that I would love Neice! *Honey, anything from him is a gift from heaven*

Okay, Unnie!!! <33333333
Love ya, too!
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