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Alexis, 37 y.o.
Los Angeles, United States [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 33.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 20, 2010
heeyyy latin songs do you listen to?
inactive user
Christ loves you
inactive user
If Happy St. Patricks day to you to :D I've been in the pub for the last 9 hours, haha, thats how an irish perosn celebrates St. Patricks day :D Too bad I'm in work 2moro, or I would be still there lol.

Haha, I understand what your saying. A lot of people think this about Americans, but I'm sure its only a minority that feel that feel this way. Especially when you look at a video like this one i its sooo ridiculous I actually have trouble believeing that its genuine XD sounds like things that george bush would say haha!! I must be lucky, all the americans I've met seem normal. And you seem normal, although you might be just messing with my head haha only joking :P

And I agree, Kareoke is legend...wait for it....dary :D Its the most fun thing to do when your drunk haha! Whats the your signature song for kareoke?? Ohh, thats what I like to hear...great minds think a like, cookie dough is AMAZING. Although, pistachio ice cream sounds pretty awesome to...your mamking me hungry now haha!! Hopr your having a good day...don't get up to too much mischief ;) haha
inactive user
Your so sweet, thanks for your message. It is going great in Fl. It nice to meet you Alexis. How are you doing?
inactive user
Bible does not support manipulation and Oppression . Love your neigbours as yourself is a golden rule in the bible. A true child of God who submits totally to instructions in the bible will find it difficult to oppress or manipulate others. What do you think?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 17, 2010
i am fine also thank you... :)
inactive user
I refrained myself from stargazers' predictions because the bible warns against it. I believe my future is in the words of the merciful God (bible).
inactive user
Well this guy was Canadian so you Americans ar excused on this one hahaha. Lol, well at least your honest :P I'm sure ya not that bad. But you don't seem to like americans haha, why is that??
Weekend was really good, don't remember much of it...but in my view thats a sign of enjoyment :D I do remember singing the 'The way you make me feel' on kareoke, wohoooooooooo!! lol, your welcome, what flavour did you get though? the one with the cookie dough in it is the best.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 16, 2010
hey nice to see ur post :) so how re you...
Reply - Conversation - Mar 15, 2010
hello from turkey :)
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