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이윤경, 32 y.o.
Daejeon, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 965.
Reply - Conversation - May 22, 2014
Joyeux anniversaire my friend ^^
Reply - Conversation - May 22, 2013
Happy birthday ^^
inactive user
Hii~~ ^^
How have you been?
inactive user
LeeYoon! Of course I remember you and I forgave u, how could I not? Im not into this site anymor as well! ;o;

Im waiting for your letter bb! <3

and sorry for my late reply ;~~; i always wait for your letters!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 31, 2011
oh? it's not located in seoul? well i'm sill interest to know which university it is. you don't have to tell me though if you don't want to. ^_^
haha I also understand what you mean about the cold. it always want to go inside while i am at work but i can't because i have to stay outside and watch the children i teach. haha.
that is good that you get to go to seoul and visit your friends and family. ^_^ I am sure you must be very excited.
so what will you be majoring in when you begin at your university?
inactive user
I dunno ><
How long will it take for him to recover?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 27, 2011
oh wow, congratulations, which university will you be going to? are you excited?

haha it's very understandable that you would get bored and lazy when there is not much to do. I am the same because i am graduating as well from my university and I am not taking classes. only working. haha.

how cold is it in Korea now? in califronia, the weather is beginning to warm up a bit. it's not as cold as it was a month ago.

^_^ don't feel bad though. haha sometimes the cold makes people not do anything.

so have you done anything fun on your vacation yet? like travel?
inactive user
:O Ohhh nooo! T__T
I hope he gets better soon.
Fans should be more careful D<
inactive user

:O Oh no! How did he hurt it? D:
inactive user
Sweet :D
And it's ok ^^ I'm sure I will understand :D

Haha xDD
Oh my gosh, yes! LOL Taemin and Key make perfect~~~~~ girls haha.
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