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Ksu, 33 y.o.
Irkutsk, Russia [Current City]

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 12.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 30, 2012
hi, this is latif from uganda and i found your wall interesting thats why i had to take all the buddern to send you or even say hi to you however i say i can as well do a help thanks for your post
latif m
Reply - Conversation - Aug 22, 2012
hi. yo. name. is. funy. iam. cold. anhony. i have. 20.yrs. would. like. to. be your. friend. i also wana know weather. u a single. or. not.i. wd. lyk. to know. u. better than. that. me to. iam. single. and wd. lyke. to start. a relationship. with. u.i wd also. lyk. to nkow. more. about yo. country. and. language. im from. africa. i aso. can teach you. our. language. if. u. dont. care. pliz. reply. me. njakuba musanyufu nyo. i will. interpret.that. later.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2012
net,ia uciu pa hopowiy knigam assimil......ho ia malo znaiu
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2012
ia znaiu nemnoga russky iazik
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2012
privet!kak dela?
inactive user
You forgot: "And not everyone drinks vodka." XD
inactive user
wow what a lovely girl u are!
inactive user
I will always smile with eyes because I have eyes but never with the nose because I don't need to smell you over the internet. You are really crazy I think but I like you. :D I need to go to bed now (early tonight, like 11:00pm) but we will talk later :D
inactive user
You can do whatever you want! I just know that English speaking people are stupid, so when you just put )))))) they get confused like me. I now know from now on I will understand when you put (((((((((( I know I probably called you a bad name.
inactive user
I will accept that, but only because I don't think you're a bear, and you're in Russia, so that means that Russia is not all bears. Also what I heard is true: people from Russia makes smilies like this )))) without the eyes. why is that????
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