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Ekaterina, 37 y.o.
Mexico City, Mexico [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 87.
inactive user
Heyyy, I missing you here on interpals!!! :(
Reply - Conversation - Feb 20, 2015
En Colombia los ritmos autoctonos, son el folclor, Cumbia, música llanera, Vallenato, entre otras.

Bandas de Rock reconocidas Pestilencia o comerciales serian de Mill, Don Tetto, el siete, Doctor Krapula...

Otras Choquiwtown..
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2015
Hola, gracias por tú saludo :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2015
дякую за привітання, дуже приємно чути рідну мову від милої особи)
inactive user
Yes, a German dog should have a German name. Pity no one knows that they are from Germany :D
You look after the rich peoples pets or the dogs from the streets in shelters?
That poor German shepherd. If I went there I would probably take them all back home with me.
inactive user
You're welcome :) Why are you learning English? How did you learn Spanish??
Yes, I've heard Mexico City can be a dangerous place so hopefully you've been taking care! Glad to know there are very good things about it too though :)
Yes, I am bilingual. I can speak Spanish fluently but writing in Spanish isn't as great for me, haha.
Where are you originally from? :)
It's always great when you enjoy your job!
inactive user
I like the name Heide :D
Are the dogs well cared for in Mexico? I hear that there are a lot of strays?
inactive user
Hey Ekaterina! Pretty name! It'd be cool to help you with your English. My name Neyva, nice to meet you! Mexico City? Do you like it there?? I was born in the US but my parents are from Mexico! You must love your job :)
inactive user
Hello Ekaterina, Is the Dane yours? Very beautiful too.
I too work at a dog hotel - but with cages.
inactive user
Привіт! Дякую! Ви чудово володієте українською мовою))
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