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Kristen, 32 y.o.
Raleigh, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 215.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 4, 2014
Sorry about the delay, I thought I answered you but I obviously didn't. I have had school starting up, might be why I didn't notice it before now xD
I'm fine and I hope you are too :D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 13, 2014
Aw that sucks! How is the whole uni thing going apart from that glitch anyways?

I've been good thanks :)
Moved out a couple of weeks ago so I finally feel like an adult haha
Reply - Conversation - Mar 11, 2014
Hahaha thank you :D
How have you been!?
inactive user
Wow, that was actually the first time I had my hair done, for Prom. And it was the first time I wore more than mascara.
I didn't start dying my hair until a year ago, I like messing with the colors since I am naturally dirty blond. Red is my favorite color to be. There are hair dyes specifically for dark hair that have lighteners in them.

My favorite hair tutorials to watch are probably from TorrinPaige, she is so bubbly. :)
inactive user
Short hair is really strange to adjust to but I have been loving it! So much easier than all of the braids and buns I used to do with it. However, I still watch hair tutorial vids on YouTube and get hair envy.
The first time I cut mine it was to donate, but that was before I starting dying it. :)
inactive user
Yeah, I took two years of high school Chinese from a native speaking teacher from Taiwan.
Thank you, I am so flattered that people seem to like my hair. Short hair is a bit weird for me still because I am used to having it super long, around waist length usually.
I am having a very good Monday, thank you! I hope your Monday as well as the rest of your week is lovely.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2013
Ello! thank you for that :) About the cold, it can be cold sometimes, it has not been like that in recent times. The last winter was a bit different than any other winters we've had, for example in winter 2011 and back it was alot of snow laying on the ground. Winter 2012 it was less snow, cause the snow were gone before may 2013 and it has been stayed longer than that before, like last year it wasn't gone before long after our national day :p So i am looking forward to see if this winter who is coming is similar to the last or if it's going back to the 2011 winter ;) Temperatures can vary, -10 degrees plus wind is not especially good (if the wind can stay away, then it is good)! :P
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2013
I'm still slowly working on my novel but my law course is keeping me pretty occupied, too! Plus I think I'm more suited for screen plays so when I get some time, I'm going to give that a crack!
So anyways, how have you been?
No, I didn't hear back from the Tiger Temple :( After telling me that they'd get back to me with a decision, they just ignored me. I emailed them a couple of times but I guess they were too afraid to simply say "No" grrrr
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2013
Hey, sorry for mot replying for so long! I haven't been on this site much for the past 2 months. What have you been doing?
I haven't got too far with my novel yet. It takes so much time and dedication haha! I usually do the same as you- give up after getting writers block, but I'm trying real hard to persevere with it this time!
Hows your summer going? I graduated from university last month :D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2013
Aw that sucks! I've always been really clumsy but for some reason I was always a natural skater.

I don't know when I will find out. I'm still waiting :(
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