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Nia, 31 y.o.
Gurnee, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 123.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 16, 2013

Seems you are looking for someone you can write long emails/letters with.
If you're interested, just leave a message. :)
inactive user
inactive user
Happy birthday
inactive user
hi:) thanks for viewing my profile....
inactive user
what a fun life
inactive user
aww thank u tigerbear u really sweet, someone i can always go to for advice u wouldn't judge me on anything.

of course u can always be yourself to me. i wont harm you or hurt u. <3
inactive user
aww add rien3
on kik

how cute tigerbear :)

what do u like bout me so far?
inactive user
I seen

mission Imposisble 3
iron man 3
john cater
star trek 2
man of steel
wonderful of oz

I wanna see epic,monster university and world war z

I like this movie it makes me think a lot.

I do tigerbear u seem really sweet
inactive user
otay tigerbear I deff suprize on things /

I was watching jeeper creepers 2 but I put another movie its call into the blue with paul Walkman who plays on all those fast and furious movies

have you seen any new movies latterly tigerbear?

I listen to kpop and techno has a good beat to it, I also play instrunments too. do u?

well maybe il join fb and add u how's that?
inactive user
I don't no, im never mean to anyone, people say im a fun loving guy and its true I am. im nice to everyone and if people say im fake I jus ignore cause I take my own pictures not someone else's, I had people saying im fake before but im really not, I do exist and I can proof that I am real, a lot of people think I don't say things that I don't mean, they just judging me without getting to no me if u no what I mean tigerbear? do u?

yea really : what would u like for me to draw u? I can draw just bout anything how bout a tigerbear? and another picture?

im watching a movie
and doing collage's for people
and thinking bout listen to music

I use to have a fb but I delete it.
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