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Sirada, 33 y.o.
Chon Buri, Thailand [Current City]



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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 612.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2010
see ya~
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2010
i have no idea.time is so fast.
yep~ universty is funny.
please making happy memory ^^;
and make your boy friend. haha.. your highschool picture become a rare? kk
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2010
hi^^; Jah~
really nice to meet you soooooooooo much.
I'm fine. and change a job.
um..Bank security.
some tired but some funny.
and i until don't have girl friend.
it's tragedy since born our planet o_o)~

Do you become a rady, now? kkk~
how are you?
how have u been?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2009
Long time no see!! i was busy to prepare exam ㅠ 0 ㅠ
Well, u know what?" New moon" are going to release~~ ^^
i'm look forward to seeing it~
btw how r u?? :)
p.s I am not so good at English.
So please be good to understand my awkward English.^^
inactive user
hey~ long time no see>o<

im good... but.. always busy...
inactive user
oh ok^^
me im fine thank you
its big sun so its good

oops was you busy ?? you replied not fast ^^

have a good night
inactive user
it's summer vacation and i'm always busy ;;haha
so i didn't do interpals..
how about u??
inactive user
important commun point 555

well how are you today ?? ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 21, 2009
i like xiahhhhhhhhhhhh~~~ :3
he's very cute~ baby xiah~~~
Also he sings well~~~ X3
inactive user
im fine too thank you
yeah i try to do my best (i want to go there) ^^

really ?? héhé communt point
in 1991 too ??? :)
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