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Yuliya, 31 y.o.
Prague, Czech Republic [Current City]

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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 258.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2012
Hi, you come from Russia and moved you to theCzech republic?
inactive user
Okay, I think I might, a lot of people have recommended it to me,
inactive user
I will see it sometime then. Which should I see, the original or the American remake?? I'm thinking it's obvious but just asking :)
inactive user
No, I have been told that it is good though
inactive user
haha :) You shouldn't it is bad luck!! Nah, all our christmas stuff is down, but the picture is cool...okay, I'd better get a more appropriate one :P
inactive user
Ha! :D Thanks :) It's a bit out of season though now :) I'll try and keep it up til summer XDXD
inactive user
The books are good :) I haven't read any new books, but my dad gave me his copies of his ones from the 80s! :)
inactive user
A bit, not much. I'm not so keen on it although some of the stories were good, others were very badly made! I've read some of the classic books though :) They were good! You?
inactive user
David Tennant. Most definately :):)

inactive user
Gah :P Coffee without sugar, not for me though XD
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