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Kristina, 33 y.o.
Osnabrück, Germany [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 13.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 31, 2016
Привет )))
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2016
I really liked Osnabrück, I was there 5-6 times to work. I think it's a really nice city.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 1, 2016
inactive user
Я должен знать эту песню наизусть!
inactive user
Привет! Ты любишь путешествовать по Германии? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2015
Привет) «I really like to read Tolstoy or Pushkin, I love them!»:
а. I am writing to you this letter being in about 10 minutes away from one literary cafe situated in the historic center of St. Petersburg. From the place Aleksandr Pushkin went to the fatal duel on the Black River. If you are really interesting, in the next few days I can make a video of this place.
б. Taking German classes in the institute of foreign languages, I have learnt that in the school where we were studying (it used to be an elite school for children of aristocrats), worked a classmate, a friend of the author, – Вильгельм Кюхельбекер.
в. If you have already read the Bronze Horseman then, perhaps, you remember about lions mentioned in the masterpiece. If I am asked, I can also make a video of these lions, as well as of the Bronze Horseman, but only if you have read this work!)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2015
Getting the first higher education, I was related about one little-known (the work was forbidden by church), but highly valuable philosophical-religious work of the author where he described the path and the results of long and complex searches of truth. Кристина, I would be glad to reread this book with you in the language of original.
«But currently I am very busy» – either do I, that is why I prefer working with only one permanent partner for each foreign language. Studying\ repeating of grammar, reading adapted literature, listening music, watching movies in spare time 10-15 minutes per a day + communicating with a native speakers 1-2 times per a month on Skype, in my case is the most adequate model of learning of German.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2015
1. Did not I make any mistakes in the letter in German that was written earlier? =)
2. Today, after a workout, I got acquainted with a resident of Hamburg, who being a system administrator specializing in ship engines is here on a business trip. The shipyard where he is working bought the oldest shipyard in Germany «Sietas» in 2014.
3. «Извини что я так долго не отвечала я час пишу экзамены не успевала быть долго в интернете» – извини, что я так долго не отвечала. Сейчас я готовлюсь к сдаче экзаменов и поэтому не могу много времени проводить в интернете.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2015
Sent from the heart of the Russian Empire, the historical center of St. Petersburg, in 10 minutes from the Hermitage*

*INFO: The State Hermitage Museum
The Hermitage is considered to be founded in 1764. The collection of the museum includes over 3 million works of art and world culture artefacts. The State Hermitage is one of the richest and visited museums of the world.

Being at work, Andrey
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2015
Kristina, regarding your question, – general understanding of grammar + strongly limited German vocabulary + practice of reading of adapted literature. Currently I am reviewing materials dedicated to the language, refreshing previously received knowledges at the institute of foreign languages.
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