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Jessica, 30 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
inactive user
same with me. People r 2 greedy 2 change there ways. I mean unless we change we are, well...****** basically! :S so r u interested in travelling and I mean like propper travelling, not the whole cushy 5 star hotel crud, I mean like big backpack, stayin at local ppls houses with only about $10 in pocket. I think you should see the "realness" of a place rather than the painted image of tourist places.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 21, 2010
Hi-hi. I have a few gay friends(mostly guys). :D I love them they are just one of the "girls" Lol.
I just refuse to eat fish O_o I think it gross. . . .
Reply - Conversation - Jan 21, 2010
heyy jessica :DD
how are you? i'm Shinhye btw
inactive user
Hey Jessica, It's nice to see there are some more fellow hippies in world. I'd like to be a biologist too when I'm older, but as a primatologist, cos monkeys r ace! :P I'm like OB.S.E.S.E.D. with Ice age 3-I nearly died with laughter when I saw it, so wubu2 2day?
inactive user
hello jessica my name is Nawel and I'm french. I would like be friends with you... sorry I speak not good english... =D
inactive user are you??
inactive user
Hi, its Marcus i'm just here saying goodbye to every one on my wall before i leave this world for good.
Thanks goodbye.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2009
hello, hope you wont mind if i ask you to be my friend i am peter from Nigeria
inactive user
I know you said you want language exchange sorry i only speek english. Anyway i thought i'd just drop by and say hello.
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