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Valeria, 30 y.o.
Minsk, Belarus [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 119.
inactive user
I just watched the season two finale episode of BBC's Robin Hood! I cried a lot! :P
inactive user
Haha! Awesome video! It does look like he's being controlled!
inactive user
My Latin exam went alright...thank you for asking! :) My writing exam was more fun, though. How were your exams?
inactive user
No worries! I have exams now too, and I SHOULD be studying for them...:) Final Latin exam tomorrow and then no more exams until June!
inactive user
I loved it!!! :D

That is such a great idea! How long did it take to make? Maybe I will show it at a Doctor Who Party I am throwing on the 28th, if that is okay. VERY well done! :)

I got your card by the way...thank you so much! It is on my fridge for everyone to see! My dad was trying to read the front of it out loud even though he doesn't know the language at was funny to listen to!

Happy Christmas!
inactive user
I got your letter! It was BRILLIANT! I'm writing back straight away! :)
inactive user
Hi! I'm Sarah! ^_^
inactive user
Congratulations on passing your exams! I passed mine too, and even got a couple of awards at graduation. My classes were really easy though...

*sigh* I still miss Russell T. Davies' writing, but Moffat's doing all right I guess.
inactive user
I cannot believe it's taken this long for me to reply! Now that we're halfway through the season I finally get back to you! :O

The whole half-season has blown my mind! Where is Amy?! When did she get taken?! Who's the crazy eyepatch midwife woman?! And what is Jim the Fish?! :P

How are you feeling about it?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24, 2011
а на тематических тоже ссылки были вчера))
но я уже скачал...и субтитры нашел
но английские)) разберусь))

а я ищу на...ну ты знаешь

я пролистал ...честно-не очень!!
но может предметно лучше будет

просто Теннанта ему не переплюнуть
а он пытается
выглядит придурком))
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