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Jarai howard, 30 y.o.
Tallahassee, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 46.
inactive user
lmao your comment made my morning so much better
YES I AM CHARGING! I had a rough day, used all my energy, so I needed to come home and refuel :)
inactive user
hehe >< Have a nice day!
inactive user
hi ><
sorry late message ㅠㅠ
inactive user
nowhere here
inactive user
Do you have Facebook?!
Btw thank you I appreciate it alot :)
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2011
who is UTADA what music do he play
inactive user
you on skype?!
inactive user
I'm soooooooooooo bored..
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2011
wow that is very nice
so what music do u like best for me l like lady gaga u
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